Monday, January 13, 2014

United Graduate College and Seminary International Honors Uganda’s Elite

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Professor Clyde Rivers pictured with Uganda’s Elite at Honorary Service

It was a great privilege for United Graduate College and Seminary International, from Mars Hill, North Carolina USA and the American Christian Education Institute, to recognize sixteen of the top business and national leaders of the country of Uganda. These prestigious gentlemen were honored with an Honorary Doctorate in Humanities for their outstanding achievements. This was a great day for the nation of Uganda.
In attendance at this service was the Chancellor of Makerere University, Professor George Mondo Kagonyera. Professor Kagonyera was quoted saying, “I have never seen this many elite people honored at one time any where in the world.”
Professor Clyde Rivers said, “It is very important to continue to build the honor system within Africa. It is also important to have the elite of the African nations record their excellent works in books so that they can leave a legacy for generations to come.” Professor Rivers challenged these elite men to be great and record their achievements.

United Graduate College and Seminary International is one of the pioneers of online education in the Continent of Africa carrying worldwide accreditation.

Ambassador Clyde Rivers Speaks to the Nation of Burundi

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Ambassador Clyde Rivers pictured left

December 26, 2013 Ambassador Clyde Rivers spoke to the nation of Burundi at the President’s Bi-Annual Crusade.
Ambassador Rivers said, “It is a great honor to have the opportunity to teach a nation about the Kingdom of God and how to be a great nation.” Ambassador Rivers taught the nation the importance of vision and leadership. He said, “The building of a nation on the correct foundation will keep the favor of God upon that nation.” Ambassador Rivers used the example of America as a nation founded on the principles of God and the blessings that have followed America.
Ambassador Rivers sees the nation of Burundi building on the principles of the Kingdom of God. “This nation is and will continue to be a great nation as it strives to build upon the principles of God. It is Burundi time in 2014” says Ambassador Rivers.

Ambassador Clyde Rivers Teaches Burundi Government Kingdom Leadership

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First Lady of Burundi Denise Nkurunziza on right with Ambassador Clyde Rivers pictured left

Ambassador Rivers taught the Cabinet of the Burundi government the importance of understanding their position. He stated God gave them their positions and that they had a responsibility to God with how they serve their nation.
Ambassador Rivers told the government, “God wants His Kingdom to come to the Earth and that they were responsible to bring His Kingdom to Burundi.” Then Ambassador Rivers prophesied, “Burundi will make history in 2014. This small nation will become a great nation because they obey the Kingdom of God.” He went on to prophesy, “Burundi is called by His Name and there will be a spirit of Elijah that will take them higher as they prophetically see the destiny of their nation.” The leaders of Burundi, “Received this word with joy,” said Ambassador Rivers.

To close, Ambassador Rivers did an alter call for the government leaders, offering them the opportunity to receive their citizenship in the Kingdom of God.

His Excellency Pierre NKURUNZIZA President of Burundi Teaches His Government Leadership

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President Pierre NKURUNZIZA
The President of the Republic of Burundi Africa, Pierre Nkurunziza, spends two weeks a year putting together crusades to teach his country how to tank God for what they have achieved. At this time the president teaches the youth, his government leaders and the nation principles from God’s Word on leadership.
Ambassador Clyde Rivers says, “It is amazing to watch the president of a nation teach his nation the unchanging principles of the Bible. Explaining once they are followed their country is guaranteed success. The president gave examples of good and bad leaders in the Bible. He told his leadership they must have vision beyond their life. They must establish a foundation for the nation to live on for years.”

Her Excellency Madame Denise Bucumi Nkurunziza First Lady of Burundi Teaches Their Youth

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First Lady of Burundi, Denise Nkurunziza
On December 27, 2013 the First Lady of the Republic of Burundi Africa taught the youth of Burundi how to love their country. She told them, “The importance of good governance will cause your children’s children to eat the good of the land. You may not see the great victories but if you honor your nation and live to obey God the nation will prosper.”
Ambassador Clyde Rivers says, “It is a miracle to have a First Lady of a nation not ashamed to teach her faith to the young people of her nation so they may have a great future.”