Thursday, October 4, 2012

International Leaders Meet Vice Presidential Candidate Dr. Robert Ornelas

 From Left - Prof. Albert Nasasagare, Dr. Manuel Tigerino, Dr. Robert Ornelas, Prof. Clyde Rivers
American Independent Party Vice Presidential candidate, Dr. Robert Ornelas, shares his views on how to help America work and also to understand the importance of good international relations. Dr. Ornelas met with Dr. Manuel Tigerino from the Latin communities of the world, Prof. Clyde Rivers, Ambassador at Large for the Republic of Burundi and the Chief Protocol for the President of Burundi, Prof. Albert Nasasagare.
Candidate Dr. Ornelas, after this international meeting, received a special invitation to speak to the youth of the world at the International Youth Conference in Burundi Africa that was held in the summer of 2012. He was invited by the Ambassador at Large for the Republic of Burundi, Prof. Clyde Rivers. Dr. Ornelas is a voice to the youth, as well as, a voice from the youth. A Vice Presidential Candidate that understands the needs of tomorrow, today.
Article by Political Analyst
Prof. Clyde Rivers

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